✴️HTML input: password

allowing the user to write text without anyone else looking


The <input> field for type="password" can look something like this:

<form action="destination.html" method="post">

    <label for="passwort">Passwort</label>
    <input type="password" name="user-password" id="passwort" 
        minlength="8" placeholder="make it hard to guess!" required> 

It essentially looks like an <input> field with the type="text" except that the user only sees dots instead of the text!


  • The id for a type="password" field corresponds with the <label>'s for attribute

  • The name can differ from the id


  • The minlength and maxlength (an integer) restrict the length of user input

    • We can use none, one or both of those attributes

  • The placeholder offers a hint that will disappear on user input (and reappear if reset)

Last updated