JavaScript error handling

responding to unsatisfactory data (the "interjections")

Scripts "error out" in two different ways:

  • The script would continue running but would yield weird output

    • "silently failing"

  • The script would stop running and throw an error

    • error handling at its best

Error object

To address the latter in JavaScript, we could create an error like this with new Error(msg):

const everythingOK = false

function showErrorMessage(customErrorMessage) {

  const ourError = new Error(customErrorMessage)

if (everythingOK == false) {
    showErrorMessage("not everything is OK!")

console.log("the script goes on...")

Note that the Error class of objects contains:

  • a built-in property called message

    • which got instantiated as customErrorMessage

      • when ourError got instantiated

        • when showErrorMessage was called

          • with customErrorMessage passed in

However, creating an error does not throw the error, which causes the program to stop running!

throw keyword

We would need to do this instead:

const everythingOK = false

function showErrorMessage(customErrorMessage) {

  const ourError = new Error(customErrorMessage)

  // throwing instead of just printing the error to console

if (everythingOK == false) {
    showErrorMessage("not everything is OK!")

// this really won't print if everythingOK isn't true
console.log("this will not print")

Using the throw keyword stops the program at that point and any further lines of code will not execute!

try and catch

One way to attach an error to a piece of code is to use blocks call try and catch that work in a similar fashion to if and else:

  • try would have the code we want to execute properly

  • catch(error) would contain the error handling

    • this block would also provide us with an Error object to work with

try {

    // code we want to execute properly
    if (codeOK) {
        // do stuff
    } else {
        throw new Error("not working!")
} catch(e) {

    // handle the error if any
    // Error: not working! ...   



For whatever reason, if we still want to run code after the error gets thrown, we can use a finally block like such:

try {

    // code we want to execute properly
    if (codeOK) {
        // do stuff
    } else {
        throw new Error("not working!")
} catch(e) {

    // handle the error if any
    // Error: not working! ...   

} finally {

    // this will still print regardless
    console.log("keep the party going!")


Note that the catch and finally blocks are each optional if the other block exists, so we can have a:

  • try and catch

  • try and finally

  • try and catch and finally

However, try must exist and it must exist with at least a catch or a finally!

Further reading

Last updated